Привіт! Я Кейт! На цьому сайті, я продаю дуже класний та симпатичний товар.
Шкарпетки / Принт футболки / прикраси
Cвій сайт я назвала INVICTUM 38, ЦЕ зв'язано з моїм бойфрендом, котрий працює на фінансову команію, яка влаштувала вечірку на якій ми з ним і познайомились.
Отже не будемо гаяти часу а зразу ж опускаємось в низ та дивимось, який прикольний товар я вподобала цього тижня і пропоную вам його купити з цього сайту.
Я вірю в те, що нав'язувати свою думку чи свої погляди не гарно, а тому просто поділюся з вами своїми смаками в такій важливій справі, як шкарпетки. І я і мій хлопець любимо вдягати незвичні, колоритні носочки, які піднімають настрій та веселять нас і наших друзів та колег. Оскільки скоро Різдвяні свята то я сподобала такі носочки для хлопців і дівчат.
I really love content marketing and always treat each project of my clients as my own.
I wrote my first copy for a car magazine when I was a student. It was my first job that influenced my future career. Today I'm a copywriter, content marketer, editor, and I'm proud of the following main skills:
● Content marketing strategy● Writing articles and copy● Editing, proofreading● Creating layouts ● Managing a copywriting team● Deep Analytics
3 billion
Software I use
Here's a list of the software I use everyday in my work:
To get a complete list of the companies I've worked with, download my resume.
Smashing Magazine
Responsibility:● Produce in-depth articles● Work on the content strategy
Achievements:● Produced 150+ articles and guides ● Doubled the retention rate
Project Management System:● JIRA, Basecamp
My duties included:● revision of the content strategy;● monthly content plan creation;● managing 10 writers; ● writing op-eds;● proofreading, editing;● creating special projects.
Responsibility:● Edit and proofread articles● Manage a team of authors
Achievements:● Introduced monthly analytics● Improved the quality of all published articles
Project Management System:● JIRA, Trello, Basecamp
My duties included:● writing, editing and optimizing content;● managing 25 writers;● managing organic social media strategy; ● increasing traffic during a SEO project;● hiring and managing freelance writers;● overseeing all social media projects.
I constantly study and take additional courses on marketing and creative writing.
Linkedin Courses
With an emphasis on: brand value, brand personality, customer lifetime value, marketing experiments, viral marketing, performance marketing, and search engine optimization.
Jan 2016 - May 2016
With an emphasis on storytelling, inbound marketing, virality, branded content and entertainment, gamification in articles, headlines, clickbaits and deception.
Aug 2014 - Apr 2015
With an emphasis on creative writing, principles of advertising, theories of mass communication, intercultural communication, AIDA approach, editing and proofreading.
Sep 2012 - Aug 2014
Cornell Univercity
With an emphasis on consumer behavior, marketing management, copy writing, market research, content strategy, business law, outreach, inbound marketing, etc.
Sep 2008 - Aug 2012
What my clients are saying about me and my work.
Features clients
Over the past ten years, I've been fortunate to work with these great companies and services.
Say Hello at moc.liam%40etak or +1 (234) 56 78 00
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